Monday, October 27, 2008

case study three | precedents and the like |

#3 Artistic Image
Atlanta, Georgia
[photos courtesy of]

Artistic Image is the first of 3 precedences I have ai3, a [awesome] design firm in Atlanta, Georgia. Actually Lucy Aiken-Johnson came to visit us last fall to tell our iarc family about what she does in her design group, how they came to be, and how they design. I have been so inspired by them ever since. I love their process and that you can see it in every detail of the final outcome. Their work for artistic image is one of my favorites. I love the mixture between materials ( you can see a hnd quality but at the same time with the translucency of the eco-resin ( or plastic?) and the lighting it seems very high-tech, either way the craft is superb. I love everything from the material exploration, lighting effects, segregation of public/private, and the way the space reflects its use.
please visit: to learn more about this space and the incredible team who designed it!

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