Tuesday, October 28, 2008

case study three | precedents and the like |

#6 Miss Sixtys
Visual Merchandising by Toni Morgan

This is another space I found in our Visual Merchandising book. This interior is of a store called Miss Sixty in Barcelona, but the chain can be found in about 20 countries around the world. What drew me to this photo was the light and color as well as the gradients and contrast of color, texture, and material. The proportions are also very pleasing with elongations of positive and negative spaces oriented both vertically and horizontally. Pattern are introduced on the insides of the shelving units with lighting to highlight the goodies within. It is an intriguing gesture that evokes emotion almost like looking inside a gift box. Even with all the brightness and excitement there is a great level of simplicity introduced. The jeans are displayed merely by hanging on a rod that is sandwiched between the shelving units. Lighting is such a key element in this space and one of my favorite elements in many spaces because of the level of interest as well as highlight and contrasts.

While searching for more info about Miss Sixty and their retail stores I found this site ( www.lorenzodemedici.it/ interior/?p=520) that talks about Studio 63, a design group that specializes in retail and hospitality. They designed a Miss Sixty store in LA. Even though I am not sure if they are responsible for the design of this space in Barcelona, their design style has definately caught my attention.


One common factor I see in many of the spaces they are involved in is this method of "punching" through one surface to reveal another element, color, texture, or wall/ceiling plane. It is very dynamic, eye catching, and over the top. They are not afraid to stretch the limits and aim high. This is the kind of goals I think we should set for ourselves in school. Before we get stuck into designing the same things over and over ( which I hope none of us let ourselves fall into or "end up" in those positions). But I love the way these spaces com together and draw you in.
Miss Sixty Los Angelos, CA

BREIL CONCEPT STORE for Shanghai, China.

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