Monday, October 27, 2008

case study three | precedents and the like |

#4 Flight 001
NY, Dubai, (across the US)


I found this retail space in our text book. I love the fluid yet controlled lines in the space. The concept is very strong. You really feel like you are in a plane, yet it isnt cheesy or literal at all. its very clean and by not going over the top the space can truly be appreciated for its "less is more" aesthetic. I also think the form of the space speaks loudly to the user. Im not sure if this is a freestanding store, however I am convinced that this design could easily be converted into a mall or other types of shopping centers. Becuse the designers chose to look at their inspiration and truly reflect on some of those key elements in the space, the user can feel a sense of excitement and even exclusiveness because this place is so unique. The lighting plane that runs along the center of the ceiling helps the space not feel so clausterphobic and almost feels like there is more than just the ceiling above.

Going along the lines of "the line" that is seen throughout this space which I found so is some furniture that also embodies this line.


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