Friday, October 31, 2008

charette 2

I am still unsure of how I would state a concept for this project. I have lots of ideas in my head as well as down on paper. Since I am designing a retail space that is all about the "modern eco baby" much of my inspriation has come from the products themselves. Whether it be inspired from the form of a toy, textures of clothing, colors, or materiality (sustainability) I have found that there is so much right here to work with. I have made lots of lists that describe, explain, and question. I am a list maker- so this helps my thought process. Here are some of my lists from my sketchbook:

BRAINSTORMING > CONCEPT                    This Space should be about:                     
grow                                                       "being a kid"
sprout                                                     "newness"
hatch                                                      "wonder"
cocoon                                                    "excitement"
nest                                                        "whimsy"

Needs of the Space:
cahs wrap
display units 
-midfloor units
window diplay
back room 

What will be sold?

-locally made
-nontoxic fibers/dyes

-non toxic
-sustainble (well made)
-locally made (us>nc>gboro)

-diaper bags
-mom stuff
-organic toiletries

Why would one WANT to be in this space?
*REGUARDLESS of what is sold-so that it is such a well designed
space that people will just WANT to be here...

intriguing (both to parent + child)
true ( not just a "green" hoax..truely sustainable)
assurance ( bc of trust in products offered)

The User should FEEL LIKE THIS:

The Space should be:


So basically I think as of now my concept is boiling down in two different directions:
1.) nest  2.) seed

(more to come)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


examples of different materials to use as partitions and shelving.
(all of the examples above are 3form products)

example of flooring from modwall ( a sustainable material)


These are some of my images I found that inspire and excite me. Some have nothing to do with my project but caught my eye and might be a source for further investigation for concept development, space planning, and color choices.


Some further exploration of inspiration that developed into sketches

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

case study three | precedents and the like |

#6 Miss Sixtys
Visual Merchandising by Toni Morgan

This is another space I found in our Visual Merchandising book. This interior is of a store called Miss Sixty in Barcelona, but the chain can be found in about 20 countries around the world. What drew me to this photo was the light and color as well as the gradients and contrast of color, texture, and material. The proportions are also very pleasing with elongations of positive and negative spaces oriented both vertically and horizontally. Pattern are introduced on the insides of the shelving units with lighting to highlight the goodies within. It is an intriguing gesture that evokes emotion almost like looking inside a gift box. Even with all the brightness and excitement there is a great level of simplicity introduced. The jeans are displayed merely by hanging on a rod that is sandwiched between the shelving units. Lighting is such a key element in this space and one of my favorite elements in many spaces because of the level of interest as well as highlight and contrasts.

While searching for more info about Miss Sixty and their retail stores I found this site ( interior/?p=520) that talks about Studio 63, a design group that specializes in retail and hospitality. They designed a Miss Sixty store in LA. Even though I am not sure if they are responsible for the design of this space in Barcelona, their design style has definately caught my attention.


One common factor I see in many of the spaces they are involved in is this method of "punching" through one surface to reveal another element, color, texture, or wall/ceiling plane. It is very dynamic, eye catching, and over the top. They are not afraid to stretch the limits and aim high. This is the kind of goals I think we should set for ourselves in school. Before we get stuck into designing the same things over and over ( which I hope none of us let ourselves fall into or "end up" in those positions). But I love the way these spaces com together and draw you in.
Miss Sixty Los Angelos, CA

BREIL CONCEPT STORE for Shanghai, China.

case study three | precedents and the like |

#5 Nonchalant Mom
Domino June/July 08

This shop was started by a mom, Carina Schott, who decided to leave her job working at Banana Republic and Gap (designing children apparel) in order to be able to stay in her hometown. First she started a website that was a fusion of all her expertise ( 23 years fashion knowledge + parenting skills). The company has been going strong for four years. They offer colorful, modern, and organic kids clothes. They also have modern, hand made toys, games, books, and mom supplies. The store's interior truly reflects its name. The shop almost seems like it is apart of a home. The tables look used and aged and the space is very warm and inviting. The walls are white with lots of framed images and shelves all over them. There are even wall graphics of colorful flowers that add some quirkieness to the space. Even though the space is fun it is a little too "pottery barn-ish" for me. It is a nice space that was put together to serve a purpose for this mom's shop and office for her website. But as far as a space that a client would hire a designer to put together for them, this does not work.

Monday, October 27, 2008

case study three | precedents and the like |

#4 Flight 001
NY, Dubai, (across the US)


I found this retail space in our text book. I love the fluid yet controlled lines in the space. The concept is very strong. You really feel like you are in a plane, yet it isnt cheesy or literal at all. its very clean and by not going over the top the space can truly be appreciated for its "less is more" aesthetic. I also think the form of the space speaks loudly to the user. Im not sure if this is a freestanding store, however I am convinced that this design could easily be converted into a mall or other types of shopping centers. Becuse the designers chose to look at their inspiration and truly reflect on some of those key elements in the space, the user can feel a sense of excitement and even exclusiveness because this place is so unique. The lighting plane that runs along the center of the ceiling helps the space not feel so clausterphobic and almost feels like there is more than just the ceiling above.

Going along the lines of "the line" that is seen throughout this space which I found so is some furniture that also embodies this line.


case study three | precedents and the like |

#3 Artistic Image
Atlanta, Georgia
[photos courtesy of]

Artistic Image is the first of 3 precedences I have ai3, a [awesome] design firm in Atlanta, Georgia. Actually Lucy Aiken-Johnson came to visit us last fall to tell our iarc family about what she does in her design group, how they came to be, and how they design. I have been so inspired by them ever since. I love their process and that you can see it in every detail of the final outcome. Their work for artistic image is one of my favorites. I love the mixture between materials ( you can see a hnd quality but at the same time with the translucency of the eco-resin ( or plastic?) and the lighting it seems very high-tech, either way the craft is superb. I love everything from the material exploration, lighting effects, segregation of public/private, and the way the space reflects its use.
please visit: to learn more about this space and the incredible team who designed it!

case study three | precedents and the like |

#2 Liapela
Miami, FL

Liapela is another great baby store with products that appeal to parents who are environmentally conscious as well as fans of great design. This store is a little more less minimalist but I think that has allot to do with the size of the space. Modern tots seemed to be more open with higher ceilings. Liapela is trying to maximize their space showing as many products as possible. They even use furniture as a prop to display products so that they are getting a 2 for 1 out of the piece [ this is an idea that Suzanne recommended to me last week ]. I do like the fact that they use lighting in the shelving. This starts to create a more magical feeling, which I think is important in a kid store of any kind. The use of color on the back wall also adds a lot to the space. I still enjoy the minimalist feel of modern tots but I am starting to see elements in each space that would support my ideas in my space [although i still don’t have a concept : ( ]

case study three | precedents and the like |

#1 Modern Tots
Brooklyn, NY

My first precedence study is from a store I found online called Modern Tots but they also have a retail shop in New York. I chose this as an example because they offer the products that I will be selling in my retail store. The space itself is very modern and minimalist. I enjoy these elements yet this is not exactly what I will be trying to produce in my space. I understand that they might be trying to keep the space as a blank canvas to allow all the colors and textures to come from the products themselves, however for the space that I will be designing I want this to be more about using the materials, lighting, and even products to make the idea behind the merchandise (sustainability) to be made an exciting and appealing issue to both the customers and their children.

my wordle

I found this site today while looking up inspiration images. Just go to . You can insert text by copying and pasting it or insert your blog address. you can change color, font, and orientation. really neat!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

challenge4 | soup to nuts|

When givin the opportunity to choose a retail business that we will be designing everything from logo and graphics to store layout, the first item that popped into my head was something involving ecobaby. So many of my friends have been having babys lately and when looking for gifts I have noticed that there are not really any stores that offer well designed as well as "green" baby items. I see alot of these items on the web, but it is nice to actually be able to pick up an item and touch it before purchasing it and finding out what that experience will be like when it arrives in a box at your door.
I found alot of great products to offer from many great companies. Everything from baby clothing, toys, feeding, bedding, hygiene products to mommy gear like diaper bags and slings/wraps and even furniture.
This store would draw people from all over because there is nothing else like it around and the items have been made popular all over the internet already. Plus everyone wants a healthy, happy baby and always want the best for them.
I am torn between a smaller vs. larger store. I really want to offer furniture because that is a huge factor where eco and sustainability is important and especially "well designed" is often left out of the picture. But there are alot of benefits to a smaller store..we wil see.

images courtesy of:,,,,,