Wednesday, September 17, 2008

an unfortunate event...

Like many of the others who commented on apartment therapy's blog about the catasrophe at the Farnsworth house, it is truly a shame. Even though I somewhat agree with Jimmy's comment about building where there are serious problems that will probably follow with serious damages. I believe that the surroundings played a huge role in this structure and is a man reason why it made the impact that it did. The views looking out on the Fox River, nestled amongsts the trees that could be admired throughout the space make it so memorable. Though the stilts were a gesture at admittting that something could happen and there needs to be precautions, they did not make the cut in saving this house. So maybe this wasnt the best place for this historic and monumental house to be placed, but if it wasnt here would it have been as successful as it was? If the surroundings were a huge element than when you change that factor how would its fate have changed? It might not be under water but it might not have ever grabbed our attention in the first place. ( although the architecture alone did make a huge impact and was a breakthrough in itself. I am just throwing the argument out there about its unique setting that did play a huge role in the success of the house. )

photos courtesy of [tiger hill studio, jon miller, herich blessing]


The Jimbonic Inquisition said...

The point you make sounds familiar.

Matt Jones said...

You two are just all up in arms about this house. Next time it might just wash away Jimmy.