Sunday, September 7, 2008

case study one | store fronts + windows

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When I started thinking about this first case study I was excited to see all the different windows and actually be seeking the qualities displayed in each. I was disappointed however when I looked around at both four seasons and the friendly center. Most of the corporate stores displays are mainly the same. They feature a mannequin or two and a hanging graphic behind the mannequin. I had already been researching online about windows all over. One store in particular, Anthropologies, (which we visited as a class on friday in Charlotte, Nc ) had wonderful window displays. One blog who featured Anthropologies' windows called them "art installations" which they most certainly are. I think by looking at the next few images and sketches one will see a big difference in corporate store advertising and mmarketing.

[the last photo i was able to take in the lovely four seasons mall before a lady told me i needed to put my camera away]


This is a Gap I visited at the friendly center. This is the first of many sets I saw that resembled each other. This one has a partial wall behind the tall graphic poster so that some of the retail area is exposed. The image on the grahic is basically an upclose view of the jacket that is worn by the mannequin. The graphic is more personal and detailed with a specific facial expression that could not be portrayed by a mannequin, especially one that is headless.

These are some other Gap windows I found online that are a little more creative and less sterile than the one shown above.
I especially like the children's window with the play on Warhol and bringing some art, color, and culture into the set which is important for a children's store. Fun and educational.
photos courtesy of : gap, nyc and


The Limited reminded me alot of the Gap set-up. There were three large windows. The two photos I took show how one side of the store was completely concealed by the partition behind the window. The other side is partially revealed completely except for the large graphic of the sky that hangs from the ceiling. They use large lights that act as spot lights, easliy moved for each changing set. Another feature seen here that was actually quite unique to all the other stores I visited was the fact that there was an application of large "stickers" to the windows of butterflies with different graphic prints that one would assume represents the colors, patterns, and textures of that season. Even though they are very two dimensional they have a 3D effect when looked at in front of the large cloud graphic back drop. This is starting to get more creative but still is slightly boring, especially when one has already seen so many windows with the line of mannequinn's in front of hanging graphics.


This is one of my favorite little gift shops in Greensboro. They always have unique and if nothing else "cute" window arrangements for different seasons and holidays. It is not corporate so they have more freedom and more of a desire to be creative. This window is promoting Halloween treasures. There is a full back drop so that the store is completely concealed behind the graphic of the big full, yellow moon. This also sets the mood of the window. They use varrying heights to display the items. There is alot going on and thats part of what makes it so fun. It is very reprensentative of what is going on inside the store. There is stuff everywhere! It is almost overwhelming. But it is also somewhat magical and whimsical which is reflected in the workers, the interior, the exterior and all displayed in this little window.


This window shares many of the same elements as the Gap and Limited windows. Large hanging graphic concealing part of the viewing capabilities of the window itself, clothed mannequins ( yet this time with half a head, which is interesting ), and the lighting system is also in plain sight. What caught my eye in this window, however, was the graphic composition of the store's name/logo as mass in the space. It adds height and visual interest to the otherwise stereotypical window.


The forever 21 windows seemed more more playful to me than the previous windows. There are more then 2 mannequins and their posture and placements are more fun and sexy than cold and robotic. There are no graphics that hang behind them hiding the store. The view is wide open and from the window one can see more mannequinns "playing" throughout the space. They even have beach balls they are leaning on, passing, and holding. Two of the balls serve as signage promoting a sale within. This store's target age is lower than the other stores I have looked at so far so that might be why the marketing is different.


I love this store. The window space is nice because the furniture and product are what is under the spot light. They are set so that it seems as if you should just but all of that stuff in the window so your living room can look that fabulous.

photo courtesy of:

I love this window. It is very dramatic, yet at the same time there is only one small product for sale. The large, over the top image catches viewer's eyes and makes them wonder what else might be going on inside the store. The lighting has been zeroed in on that one little bottle. The contrast of light to shadow obviously is going to make you focus on the perfume. It makes it seem precious and scarce.

photo courtesy of:

I included this window in my research because it adds a whole, new element: live mannequinns! This one just happens to be Kate Moss. She was launching her new line at Topshop in London and decided to pose in the window for the occasion. There is also an interesting composition going on behind her with the back drop. Half of the window's view is completely blacked out, but then the other half is draped back to expose Kate, as if she is peeking through for only a few minutes and if you pass you will miss it. It begs you to peek in. The fact that it seems forbidden only makes people want to look even more. It shows a "behind the scenes" sort of view with other fake mannequins and products on racks behind them. Very dramatic and intriguing.

photo courtesy of: myeye/155624899, by MotherPie

This is a surprising and attention grabbing dispaly. The product is obviously hosiery. It interesting the way the designer went about it because normally one would assume a full bodied mannequin, or in the least a mannequinn's leg on a stand right side up. Its simple yet entertaining. The product is clearly showcased and nothing is distracting the viewer's attention from what is being sold. This is a very provocative installation that might not be welcomed in all cities, but this is New York.

photos courtesy of:

I have already included many of the anthropologies' windows in the post I did about windows when we were first given the project so more can be seen by scrolling down. These windows are fabulous. They grab the shopper's attention and make them wonder what this store is all about. They are full of drama and wonder. They are often funny, clever, and whimsical. They are also very resourceful, which we did learn on the field trip on friday about anthropologies love for re-use and recycling. The designer's take household items ( which are for sale in the store ) and make them into art and fashion. The creativity is just oozing out of this store and it gives off sucha warm and happy feeling people just want to come in

photos courtesy of

New York is on top as far as window displays go. I like these because of theatrical element and action. The top one is fun because of the light brights that remind viewers of their childhood and sets a warm, sentimental mood. The other's lighting and ice elements are over the top and the train is just crazy! Who thinks of this? i love it. Its fun and carefree. Promoting the mood of the manequinns.

Just some extras i liked:
photos courtesy of:,,

1 comment:

suzanne cabrera said...

Nice thorough analysis. By choosing to look at a variety of types of shops in many different locales, you are gaining the type of insight you'll need to be your most creative this semester.