Friday, September 26, 2008


Preliminary conceptual circulation egress

Sketch of a building I found in Dwell that fit into the category of many of my inspiration words

This sketch shows my exploration of materials ( both old and new). After talking to matt about the process of additions to historic sites and how they should be treated. He brought up the idea that since the addition is new, why should one make it look like it was built at the same time as the original? This would make it seemed forced and artificial. I feel like the addition should speak to the time and era that it is built while respecting the historical integrity of its host. I found this image in Metropolis that hints at this same idea:

I think that by adding a modern element onto this historic site or even a district allows the viewers and users to not only see the qualities of the modern site but look back to the past and appreciate the architectural elements it has to offer. If the building or addition was an imitation of the past it would stick out as well, only in a negative sense however.

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