Tuesday, September 2, 2008

further pixelated development

After practically having a nervous breakdown the night before the first deadline of the project was due ( because of the dead ends I kept reaching ) I took a step back from what was not working and got a little looser and allowed myself to be more creative. I got so fixated on the deadline that I felt chained to this first thought. I realize that the point of this project was to go back to first year in the sense that we shouldnt get caught up in codes and other building restraints but to think big and be creative. Unfortunatly I did the opposite. However I started to see this on Friday and was able to pull myself away from that first iteration and allow myself to start to push it farther.

I decided to go back to some of the other ideas I thought of orinally along with "pixelation". The words motion, light, glow, blur. The idea that one might interact in the space the way that they interact with a game was another factor that I wanted to display. I also wanted to relate the concept to the product.

Inside the clear "tubes" that help shape and direct one's experience in the space would house conveyor belts and vertical shafts as well that would allow the products to circulate around the shopper.
Unfortunately Jimmy told me later that he has seen this in Prada.

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