Sunday, November 2, 2008


After studying and deliberating over what to choose as my "concept" for this project I feel as though I have reached a conclusion so that I can finally move on into designing the space. The basis for my concept is SEED. seed= 1.) a source or beginning... germ : ) 2.) grains of plants used for sowing 3.) Any part from which a new plant can grow 4.) Source, Origin, or Beginning of Anything.

So the idea is from many different aspects of my project. The store [which is currently without a name] focuses on products that are environmentally friendly. So right away this picks up a "NATURAL" connotation. Also the consumer is going to be a mom, dad, grandma... basically someone shopping for a kid+/baby so this also give you the idea of "GROWTH". Then we go back to the "eco" aspect and the idea of dealing with a new baby + children. You 'sow what you reap'. Teaching children while they are young to be environmentally responsible so that it grows with them... spreading the seed of responsibility.

Now as far as taking this idea and using throughout my space i am a little hesitant. I know it will be great and very useful in designing graphics, signage, and branding altogether. but how will it ( or can it?) influence my design choices + guide me though this project???

images courtesy of:

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