Saturday, November 15, 2008

Rock the Vote

Eero Saarinen's "Womb Chair"

Arne Jacobson's "Egg Chair"

Im trying to decide which of these two classic chairs I will choose to be a part of my modern eco-baby store "sprouts". They will incorporated into the core of my space which is a place for kids to play + learn as well as a place for moms to relax or regroup.

Please help me by casting your vote for which one you thing would fit in better in my space. thanks guys!

images courtesy of: +


pushing the brand

After talking to susan and a few other students, I decided to rework my logo. Im still making some changes but this is where im at now.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Friday, November 7, 2008

exploring more materials

after our meeting today, i got a lot of suggestions to explore textures which would benifit the creative minds of the children who would be in the space.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

hold comin...!!

I feel so far behind! I always do though..on every project. i get stuck or i dwell on th unnecessary. Either way I need to pick up the pace. So much i want to do and yet SO little time to do it. here is some more of my process...

charette 3 render zone

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

integrating a new seed...grafting

One of my friends from Tennessee posted these images from a trip to Puerto Rico.They caught my eye because of the way this new modern space was integrated into this historic building. This is exactly the type of transition from existing historic space to sleek modern addition I am looking make.

These are some pictures from their website:

photos courtesy of courtney randoplh, +

Sunday, November 2, 2008

some more sketches


After studying and deliberating over what to choose as my "concept" for this project I feel as though I have reached a conclusion so that I can finally move on into designing the space. The basis for my concept is SEED. seed= 1.) a source or beginning... germ : ) 2.) grains of plants used for sowing 3.) Any part from which a new plant can grow 4.) Source, Origin, or Beginning of Anything.

So the idea is from many different aspects of my project. The store [which is currently without a name] focuses on products that are environmentally friendly. So right away this picks up a "NATURAL" connotation. Also the consumer is going to be a mom, dad, grandma... basically someone shopping for a kid+/baby so this also give you the idea of "GROWTH". Then we go back to the "eco" aspect and the idea of dealing with a new baby + children. You 'sow what you reap'. Teaching children while they are young to be environmentally responsible so that it grows with them... spreading the seed of responsibility.

Now as far as taking this idea and using throughout my space i am a little hesitant. I know it will be great and very useful in designing graphics, signage, and branding altogether. but how will it ( or can it?) influence my design choices + guide me though this project???

images courtesy of:


I decided to write up a questionaire in order to get a better perspective of a mom's needs when she is shopping...

1.) What draws you in to a baby / children’s store? ( name brands, prices, style, the interior space itself? + why?)
2.) What is your favorite place to shop for your kids?
3.) What are some features that are important in assisting you while shopping?
(These special considerations may be important if you’re shopping while pregnant, or with your children.)
4.) How important do you feel it is that you can reach all the products without the assistance of the store attendant? ( i.e. not being able to reach if you’re pregnant)
5.) Do you currently buy “eco” items? Do you understand the benefits of them compared to non-sustainable products?
6.) Would you support a store that offered sustainable baby/children items?
7.) Would you rather shop at a huge store with lots of choices, brands, and products or a more focused specialty store?
8.) Do you take you baby and or children with you when you shop with them? Is there a benefit to having them with you? Why or why not?
9.) Do you like having a place to sit and relax with your kids while shopping or would you rather just get in and get out?
10.)What are some factors that you would change, add, or delete from your favorite (or least favorite) children store and why?
11.) Do your kids (if old enough) seem to enjoy being in the “children” store too? Is this important? Why do you feel they like or do not like being in that space?